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Eiropas lauksaimniecības tehnikas tirgotāju apvienība CLIMAR nopublicējusi preses relīzi par COVID - 19 ietekmi uz lauksaimniecības tehnikas tirdzniecību Eiropā.

jūl. 09, 2020

Nieuwegein, 2 July 2020

80% of European dealers experience impact of COVID-19, 70% expect significant decrease of turnover and order books.

Results of a quick scan survey by CLIMMAR on the COVID-19 situation amongst European dealers, show that 80% of the participants is affected. Especially sales of new machinery are affected. Looking forward, 70% of the participants foresees a significant turnover and order book decrease in the next two months. 

In total, no less than 660 dealerships from 14 different countries responded to the survey. This gives a good indication of the effects and impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their businesses. The survey shows that the effects of the COVID-19 crisis are strongly felt by dealer companies and distributors in the European agricultural machinery and equipment sector. Around 80% of the respondents experiences “limited” to “a lot” consequences. The main “pain” is felt in the sales department of dealer companies with sales of new machines stagnating in particular. The sale of used machinery has also been affected significantly, but less than the sales of new machines.

The effects of the crisis on the repair and maintenance workshop turnover are less big. Dealer companies in general still have enough work here. This is partly due to the fact that customers, especially in the agricultural sector, simply had to do their Spring work, and machines were used to full extent for that. Repair and service of these machines have therefore been executed consistently and that has ensured that work in the workshops of the dealer companies in general remains at acceptable levels.

In general around 45% of the dealer companies also states that they expect to need (financial) support to survive the crisis. Contrary to that, 13% of the companies clearly indicates that they don’t need aid measures and can manage without. The follow-up question as to what kind of aid measures are needed, then clearly shows that companies mainly want acceptable conditions for credit from the banks, but also favourable conditions for stock financing from manufacturers and machine suppliers.
The outlook for the upcoming months is pessimistic with regards to the development of the order book and the turnover of the dealer companies. More than 70% of them indicate that they expect a significant decrease, of which 16% of companies even expect a decrease of more than 25%. 
A full copy of the report can be found on the CLIMMAR website:
Press contacts: 
Jelle Bartlema, Secretary-General of CLIMMAR
E-mail:, mobile phone: +31 (0)6 5 180 39 15
Founded in 1953, CLIMMAR is the international distributor’s network of 16 national associations currently representing 19.185 dealers and 158.799 dealer employees in the European Agricultural Machinery and Equipment sector. CLIMMAR stands for Centre de Liaison International des Marchands de Machines Agricoles et Réparateurs. 

03 apr., 2023
24.03. asociācijas valdes priekšsēdētājs Aigars Laurinovičs un valdes locekle Baiba Mikāla apmeklēja Daugavpils Industriālo tehnikumu, kur kopā ar tehnikuma un novada vadību tikās ar Izglītības un Zinātnes ministri Andu Čakšu. Tikšanās mērķis bija iepazīstināt ministri ar nozares redzējumu par Daugavpils Industriālā tehnikuma mācību īstenošanas vietas ,,Višķi'' attīstības vīziju un kopējo sadarbību ar mācību iestādi. Pielikumā fotogrāfijā no kreisās Baiba Mikāla, SIA ,,Amazone'' un LITAvaldes locekle, Vitālijs Aizbalts, Augšdaugavas novada domes priekšsēdētāja vietnioeks, Anda Čakša, IZM ministre, Aigars Laurinovičs, LITA valdespriekšsēdētājs.
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11 apr., 2022
Šā gada 7.04. Ogres tehnikuma telpās notika kārtējā LITA kopsapulce, kurā tika uzklausīta atskaite par paveikto pagājušajā gadā, pārvēlēta valde un valdes priekšsēdētājs, nosprausti galvenie uzdevumi nākošajam gadam. Jaunās valdes sastāvs ir sekojošs: Aigars Laurinovičs, Baiba Mikāla, Jānis Cers, Dainis Ģēģers, Didzis Broks, Guntis Tīģeris, Alvis Vītols, Aldis Limanskis, Raitis Penkevics. Pr valdes priekšsēdētāju vienbalsīgi ievēlēja Aigaru Laurinoviču.
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